1) Download the latest release from Yii extensions Auth.
and placed under folder protected/modules, if not please create one folder named modules
2)Then protected/config/main.php
on module array add
in components array
Please note that while the module doesn't require you to use a database, if you wish to use CDbAuthManager you need it's schema (it can be found in the framework under web/auth/schema-mysql.sql(if mysql is using), and it import to your db).
also change the authManager array to
and in main controller use
auth module will ready to use index.php?r=auth with normal template
3) if you want to use bootstrap pleas do as below
download bootstrap from http://www.yiiframew...nsion/bootstrap and placed under protected/extension/bootstrap
then copy the theme from bootstrap to theme folder under you webapplication/themes/
Top of the protected/config/main.php add
in components array
and change appLayout from auth array as below
and placed under folder protected/modules, if not please create one folder named modules
2)Then protected/config/main.php
on module array add
'modules'=>array( ......... 'auth', ),
'modules'=>array( ......... 'auth' => array( 'strictMode' => true, // when enabled authorization items cannot be assigned children of the same type. 'userClass' => 'User', // the name of the user model class. 'userIdColumn' => 'id', // the name of the user id column. 'userNameColumn' => 'name', // the name of the user name column. 'appLayout' => 'application.views.layouts.main', // the layout used by the module. 'viewDir' => null, // the path to view files to use with this module. ), ),
in components array
'components' => array( 'authManager' => array( ...... 'behaviors' => array( 'auth' => array( 'class' => 'auth.components.AuthBehavior', 'admins' => array('admin', 'foo', 'bar'), // users with full access ), ), ), 'user' => array( 'class' => 'auth.components.AuthWebUser', ), ),
Please note that while the module doesn't require you to use a database, if you wish to use CDbAuthManager you need it's schema (it can be found in the framework under web/auth/schema-mysql.sql(if mysql is using), and it import to your db).
also change the authManager array to
'authManager' => array( 'class' => 'CDbAuthManager', 'connectionID' => 'db', 'behaviors' => array( 'auth.components.AuthBehavior', ), ),
and in main controller use
public function filters() { return array( array('auth.filters.AuthFilter'), ); }
auth module will ready to use index.php?r=auth with normal template
3) if you want to use bootstrap pleas do as below
download bootstrap from http://www.yiiframew...nsion/bootstrap and placed under protected/extension/bootstrap
then copy the theme from bootstrap to theme folder under you webapplication/themes/
Top of the protected/config/main.php add
Yii::setPathOfAlias('bootstrap', dirname(__FILE__).'/../extensions/bootstrap');
in components array
'bootstrap'=>array( 'class'=>'bootstrap.components.Bootstrap', ),
and change appLayout from auth array as below
modules =array( auth=>array( ...... 'appLayout' => 'webroot.themes.theme.views.layouts.main', // the layout used by the module. ) ),